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Coherence, Consciousness and World Peace – the Collective Power of Meditation

Writer's picture: Aditi ShrivastavaAditi Shrivastava

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

A Group of People Meditating
Group Meditation at TM Centre in Rajouri Garden

Transcendental Meditation, at one end of the spectrum, is simply a potent tool to relieve stress, improve mental and physical health, unleash our capabilities and enjoy harmonious relationships.

On the other, when practiced in groups, it has another vastly bigger role – it is a meditation technique for promoting global peace.

It has helped in establishing permanent peace at the level of the city, country and even the entire globe for the last forty odd years. It is this larger aspect that you will get to read more about, in this blog. But it begins essentially, with you.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s life’s work - Healing the world through collective meditation

Before we get deeper into the subject, it is worth revisiting the why of it. His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi began his global sojourn in the year 1955 single handedly, just with a desire in his heart – to fulfil his master’s wish to make permanent peace, bliss and prosperity available to all of mankind.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Standing
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at Lake Louise, Canada

The Vedas contain the knowledge that spans the two great shores of the river of existence, the absolute and the relative, the eternal and the ephemeral, the never changing and the ever changing.

They give us the knowledge and practical techniques to generate harmony for all of humanity.

Maharishi’s master, Guru Dev - Swami Brahmanand Saraswati Ji revealed to Maharishi, how it is possible to create global peace, through meditation and coherence building practices derived from the Vedic literature.

It is this knowledge that Maharishi carefully organized, systematized, upgraded as per the conditions of the modern age, and shared with great compassion in all corners of the Earth.

At the core of this knowledge lies the science of collective meditation – a sociological phenomenon of an unprecedented scale, which has been named the Maharishi Effect in the honour of its discoverer.


The Individual is the smallest unit of global peace

How do you matter when it comes to world peace? The individual - you, me and every other person walking this planet, are all potential contributors to the collective energy of world transformation.

As per Maharishi, when the individual is peaceful, they radiate that peace in their surroundings. It literally changes the way the environment feels and interacts with themselves and others.

A Woman Meditating
Transcendental Meditation creates positivity around you

The environment around a peaceful person becomes harmonious and negates hostile tendencies.

This is because we are living in an invisible ocean of pure consciousness, which permeates every inch of the entire universe. When we gain peace through meditation, we generate something called coherence.

Coherence refers to the orderly, smooth functioning of forces of nature operating subtly in and around us. It is generated in the invisible field around us through regular meditation. It finds mention in various Yogic texts such as the Patanjali Yoga Sutras and the Yoga Vashishta.

So, the individual meditator starts making the environment positive for themselves and others near them.

 And when many individuals do the same, the sphere of influence thus generates expands exponentially!


How collective consciousness affects world harmony – The Maharishi Effect explained

The Maharishi Effect, one of the largest and longest running sociological experiments in the history of mankind, has come to one singular conclusion time and again.

When just 1% of the population of a city, country or even the whole world practice Transcendental Meditation, or square root of 1% the TM Sidhi program - together at the same place and same time, morning and evening, an invisible sphere of positivity, like a shield covering the whole region, is generated, within which all negative behaviors and events cease to have any effect.

Not just that, negative influences from outside are unable to penetrate this shield.

Negative events, such as deaths due to various reasons such as automobile accidents and war, consumption of addictive substances and crime rates all go down.

This is followed up by increase in health and wellbeing of the population, improved administrative efficiency, greater cooperation from neighbouring countries, and an increase in the socioeconomic prosperity indices and rankings.

The factors mentioned above are a very small sample of the total.

Quality of Life Graph
Cumulative graph showing Quality of Life indices of the United States

Everything that impedes the progress of a nation goes down and everything that supports it goes up. This is transformation at a very fundamental, hence pervasive level.

 It may be a bit hard to believe this at first, but stringent research protocols implemented in multiple cities and countries world wide have led to statistically significant results and leave no room for skeptism. The results have been published in sociological journals of international repute, such as the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.

The Power Lies in your hands!

So, we see that Transcendental Meditation, is a global consciousness uplifting meditation technique. It is simple, natural, effortless and very easy to practice and integrate into the daily lifestyle, yet it has the potential to change the world!

All it needs is a small fraction of the population to practice it together, to bring the often-elusive goal of world peace easily within our reach.

This is a practical and easily implementable approach. Each and every one of us can give a powerful contribution to achieving this noblest of goals, while also working on our own personal sense of wellbeing, growth and evolution.

This is the beauty and simplicity of authentic Vedic knowledge available fortunately also on a modern scientific framework.

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Transcendental Meditation opens the awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies
deep within everyone


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